Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Start Again!!

Seeing as I haven't been on here for so long I thought I'd start again. (Plus I really couldn't be bothered to try and think of all the amazingly boring stuff I'v been up to, so I'll just give you the interesting bits I remember) 

Well over the last month or so lots of interesting and stress related incedents have occured, in which I cannot be bothered to go into detail about haha...

On the other and lots of fun things have happened.. Which all iclude Kat.. Well the ones I remember do anyway... I passed my driving test, which was brilliant, i now go and see my kitty even more!! :)

And because of my brilliant driving abilites, I was able to go fishing with kat, her man, and our dad :) lol..
It was brilliant!! I'd never been before and kat set me up a rod, so as I sat the minding my own business a big fish decided that with my inexperience, my maggots looked the yummiest..
Unfortunately I didn't catch it, I may of done something wrong but I ended up catching 5 fish!! And in the end I was touching the fish and maggots all by myself!! I did have Kat as my teacher though she was wickid...

Ummm not sure what else has happened so I'll skip to today..

I left Steve at 12 to get the train to Ashford, got picked up by my mum and I stole her car so I could go see Kitty..
But when I got to the college she was knowhere to be seen!! I thought maybe I'd been abandoned!! But I was quicky reassured that she was in some sort of boring meeting thing, I did feel sorry for her, I dont like boring meetings haha, so I decided to talk to Axcel, he is very cool and we talked about alot of xbox games that we like (nerdy I know but I'm a game freak), after a very long time Kat was out of the meeting, I was told it was very tedious and im glad I didn't have to endure it haha..

We then had some lunch and I watched her work for a bit, then I dropped her home, went to pick up my mum then blah blah blah uninteresting stuff haha..

Hopefully I'll keep up with my blog this time..
I'll try again tomorrow :)

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